Sunday, August 2, 2009

What Do You Need Your Computer to do Today?

What do you want your computer to help you do today?

Have you bought a new computer or software application & need it setup or learn how to configure all of its features?

Do you have multiple computers in the house or business & need to make them work better together?
  • Do you Backup you computers?
  • Can you restore all your personal information if your computer crashes?
  • Do you need to transfer files to your new computer or new version of an application?
  • Do you need to share a printer or connect other devices to your computer?
  • Do you have new projects to do & just don’t know how the computer could help?
  • Could a website or blog help you communicate your message better to your friends or family, a set of business or project associates?
  • Do you want to get on Facebook or Twitter because your friends or competition is there?
  • Do you want people to find your website or blog?
  • Are new customers finding you thru their use of Search Engines (Google, MSN or Yahoo)?
  • Do you want to sell products or services on your blog or website?
  • Do you want to learn how to do new things on the computer?
  • Write a book, newsletter or brochure?
  • Record an audio or video message?
  • Start a podcast that others can listen to online?
  • Record an Oral History or set of memories to pass on to your friends & family?
If any of these suggested needs tickle your imagination or trigger a need for our services please contact us via phone, email, use our suggestion system via the "Suggestions?" tab on the right of this page or check our Support system for answers, discuss topics with other users, report a problem, share an idea, praise us or raise an issue for us to solve for you by using the "Feedback" tab on the left!

You can also use our calendar, displayed in other posts here on the blog, to submit a scheduling request using Google Calendars! Appointments are in person, in-home or in-office & the personal touch is our specialty, listening to your needs & concerns & helping you to reach that next level of success you're looking for using your computer.

These suggested needs are mostly individual needs but some can be used by small businesses based in the Home or at your office. Other possible business related services that we can deliver as well will be discussed in other posts in more detail.

Thanks for stopping by! Let us know how we can help you meet your goals, whether personal or business related.